Monday! Might be that you are a bit jet-lagged still with the time savings change but, yep, it is Monday again. I want to bring you today a song by the New York ska band The Slackers. I think they are a great band... and they are coming to Old Europe! Here you have the tour days, doesn't fit too well for me, but let's see if I can make it to Dordrecht.
I have never seen them but I have heard that they are awesome on stage. I knew they were coming because I saw the flyer when I went to see The Real McKenzies and Circle J to Dordrecht some time ago, but still I am not able to plan something.
I have never seen them but I have heard that they are awesome on stage. I knew they were coming because I saw the flyer when I went to see The Real McKenzies and Circle J to Dordrecht some time ago, but still I am not able to plan something.
This song goes to everyone that is unemployed, too much people in Spain I am afraid... Well, I just hope you enjoy it: